Friday, June 19, 2009

Detoxification: Cleansing Your Body

Every day we all come in contact with pollutants that negatively affect our bodies and health. From auto emissions to second hand smoke, the fast food we had for lunch to that second helping of dessert. Cleansing the internal organs is a great way to help overcome these negative affects. Some of these benefits are experiencing a healthier immune system, more capable of fighting off diseases with greater efficiency. If you have never done a total body detoxification, you may be interested in finding out just how much it can really help your entire well being. Here are some of the benefits of this total body cleanse that everyone should consider.

#1: Your Colon is Cleansed

Many people consider colon cleansing the complete basis of a detoxification. Even though the colon is one of the main organs affected through a cleanse, there are other organs involved as well and it certainly will benefit the entire body in the long run. Consider what the major functions of the colon really are in the body. The colon is used to excrete wastes from the body. Another function of the colon is to aide in water absorption. These two functions are vital to maintaining a healthy body. A healthy colon that has been detoxified will function more efficiently, causing less stress and strain on the organ.

#2: Your Kidneys are Cleaner

Another on of our organs that does an excellent job of keeping our entire body systems hearty is our kidneys. Even though our kidneys are often taken for granted, the kidneys filter out many of the dreadful substances that we ingest. For example, filtering out alcohol by-products is just one way in which our kidneys do an extraordinary job. On the other hand, they cannot filter out every harmful particle. Because of this fact, a detoxification is highly recommended! Not only are the kidneys cleaner, they will also be able to perform at an optimum level.

#3: A Healthy Immune System

Of course, there are other noteworthy benefits that one can experience by a total body detoxification, not the least of which is a healthier immune system. Everyone eventually experiences the harmful effects of bacterial colds, influenza, whooping coughs, as well as an array of other diseases that could be prevented by a health immune system. A total body detoxification will help boost the immune system to more effectively fight off these diseases and ailments.

There is much evidence to support the benefits of experiencing a detoxifying/cleansing process. A cleanse done two to three times a year, will assure us that our bodies are functioning at their best!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Restoring Your Health

Welcome to my blog on restoring your health. I will mostly be dealing with vitamins, suplements, and dietary information.